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why age matters in egg freezing

Egg freezing: why age matters?

For years, the media has speculated on Jennifer Aniston’s ‘choice’ not to have children and now she has finally shared the truth about her struggles with IVF and trying to conceive. In an interview published in Allure this month, she…
Fertility Awareness Week

Fertility Awareness Week: new survey looks at the wellbeing of those trying to conceive

This week is Fertility Awareness Week in the UK. With 3.5 million people here facing fertility challenges, Fertility Network UK’s aim is to improve awareness and provide support at whatever stage of the journey you’re at. Among other…
Chinese herbal medicine and IVF

Chinese herbal medicine and IVF: is it safe?

Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient medical system that treats imbalances in the body at physical, mental and energetic level. It focused on the root cause of the disease. The treatments have a cumulative effect, which means that each…
first fertility consultation

What should you ask in your first fertility consultation?

Embarking on fertility treatment can be overwhelming and stressful, so it helps to be prepared in terms of what to expect during your first fertility consultation and to know what questions you should ask. Many patients we see at Aria Fertility…
egg freezing success

Success of egg freezing highlighted in new study

According to HFEA, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, cycles of egg freezing have increased tenfold in the UK in the space of a decade, as more and more women start families later in life and look for ways to preserve their fertility. Now,…
IVF and AI in the fertility lab

AI and IVF: the role of Artificial Intelligence in fertility treatment

Since the birth of the first baby conceived using in vitro fertilisation in the UK more than four decades ago there have been significant advances, but for many couples IVF remains an emotionally and physically challenging process that may not…
male fertility assessments

The male fertility factor

Every June the focus is on male health as Men’s Health Awareness Week campaigns to heighten awareness of preventable health problems and encourage men to choose healthier lifestyle choices. It’s estimated that male infertility is a factor…
Fertility benefits at work

Work-based IVF discrimination under the spotlight

In vitro fertilisation and other fertility treatments are an often-gruelling process, with a huge impact both physically and emotionally on both men and women. This experience is further compounded for women by discrimination in the workplace,…
what does a fertility dietician do?

What does a fertility dietician do?

Nutritional health does play a role in conception and pregnancy, yet there is so much conflicting advice online for those trying for a baby naturally, couples struggling with infertility or individuals experiencing health conditions that affect…
Fertility Treatment in my 40s

Ageing and fertility

The latest UK statistics show that that half of women are now childless at the age of thirty for the first time since records began in the 1920s. A report from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has found that 50.1% born in 1990 were still…
diet and fertility

Stress relief: how diet and lifestyle can help

This month is Stress Awareness Month which has been held every April for the last thirty years, yet events over the last two years have made this event even more essential. Anxieties over COVID and the impact of lockdowns have all taken a toll…
Acupuncture and IVF

IVF and Acupuncture: What is the point?

At Aria Fertility Clinic, we recognise the importance of supporting your emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing during your fertility journey. Acupuncture is increasingly popular as a complementary therapy for those undergoing fertility treatment…