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PCOS and fertility

How does PCOS affect your fertility?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a common, although often underdiagnosed, condition affecting women in the UK. It is thought to affect more than one in 10 women, and those suffering from PCOS often have concerns about whether they can successfully…
How does Reproductive Reflexology help fertility

How does reflexology help fertility?

The practice of reflexology dates to Ancient Egypt, India and China but was first introduced into the West in 1913 as ‘zone therapy’. The concept behind reflexology is that specific points or reflex areas on the feet and hands are linked…
Improving egg health and ovarian function before IVF

Can you improve egg health for IVF?

In vitro fertilisation is a challenging time as it’s both emotionally and physically demanding, and one way to prepare for IVF is to focus on the potential benefits of improving egg quality or ovarian function through lifestyle changes, such…
fertility research

Aria at the forefront of cutting-edge fertility research

At Aria Laboratories, we are proud to be at the forefront of cutting-edge fertility research, constantly striving to push the boundaries of what is possible in the field of IVF. On Research Appreciation Day, a day dedicated to honouring the…
Sperm DNA Fragmentation Test

Are pollutants causing a male fertility crisis?

Following on from an international study published at the end of last year that demonstrated declining sperm counts are accelerating, new research has pinpointed that air pollution can significantly damage sperm quality. A meta-analysis of…
Fertility Clinic Success Story

“We can not thank the team at Aria enough for making all of our dreams come true.”

Fantastic news from one of our couples - we were delighted to be sent pictures of their twins and to hear the family were doing so well. "Last year myself and my partner came to Aria after 2 failed IVF rounds elsewhere, where we unfortunately…
Day in the life of a fertility nurse at Aria

Day in the life of a Fertility Nurse

In celebration of International Nurses Day, Maddy, who is egg donation coordinator at Aria, explains what drew her to working in fertility and the satisfaction she gets from being a fertility nurse. What’s your favourite part about being…
stress and fertility link

Can stress impact your fertility?

April is Stress Awareness Month and although most of us can manage small amounts of stress – which can even help you focus on achieving short-term goals – chronic stress can eventually affect how you cope with daily life. And, the longer…
HFEA propose change to fertility law

Patients asked to give their view on proposed changes to ‘inflexible’ fertility law

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has opened a patient consultation process regarding proposed changes to UK fertility laws which they say are inflexible and not reflective of modern fertility practice. The Human Fertilisation…

Nutrition: the root cause of male infertility?

Infertility affects an estimated 15% of couples globally and in approximately half of those couples experiencing difficulties conceiving, part of the problem will lie with the male. However, the burden of fertility treatment still resides mainly…
Fertility acupuncture explained

Fertility acupuncture explained

Chinese Medicine theory is based on the healthy functioning of the body being governed by the flow of Qi (or energy) through a system of channels (or meridians) under the skin. When this flow of Qi becomes blocked, illness occurs. When acupuncture…
Your fertility preservation options

What is the difference between egg freezing and embryo freezing?

Since Jennifer Aniston opened up about her own experiences with IVF and expressed her regret that she had not undergone egg freezing earlier, even more women have begun exploring their fertility preservation options. Women now have the option…