Entries by CLINIC TEAM

The male fertility factor

Every June the focus is on male health as Men’s Health Awareness Week campaigns to heighten awareness of preventable health problems and encourage men to choose healthier lifestyle choices. It’s estimated that male infertility is a factor in 40 to 50% of infertility cases and, in recent years, there has been much research into the […]

Work-based IVF discrimination under the spotlight

In vitro fertilisation and other fertility treatments are an often-gruelling process, with a huge impact both physically and emotionally on both men and women. This experience is further compounded for women by discrimination in the workplace, according to a MP who is campaigning for new employee protection for women undergoing IVF. The Conservative MP for […]

What does a fertility dietician do?

Nutritional health does play a role in conception and pregnancy, yet there is so much conflicting advice online for those trying for a baby naturally, couples struggling with infertility or individuals experiencing health conditions that affect their fertility. A fertility dietician can provide clear, personalised nutritional advice with regard to fertility, pregnancy and gynaecological concerns. […]

Ageing and fertility

The latest UK statistics show that that half of women are now childless at the age of thirty for the first time since records began in the 1920s. A report from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has found that 50.1% born in 1990 were still child free by their thirtieth. This follows the long-term […]

Stress relief: how diet and lifestyle can help

This month is Stress Awareness Month which has been held every April for the last thirty years, yet events over the last two years have made this event even more essential. Anxieties over COVID and the impact of lockdowns have all taken a toll on our mental health. Multiple studies have shown a major increase […]

IVF and Acupuncture: What is the point?

At Aria Fertility Clinic, we recognise the importance of supporting your emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing during your fertility journey. Acupuncture is increasingly popular as a complementary therapy for those undergoing fertility treatment or managing hormonal conditions. Acupuncture is an ancient tenet of traditional Chinese medicine whereby very fine needles are placed at strategic points […]

What makes an IVF lab exceptional?

The IVF laboratory is a key component to the beating heart of any fertility clinic – it is here where human fertilisation occurs, sparking the creation of embryos and the beginning of life. With the perfect integration of three highly specialised areas (andrology, embryology and preimplantation genetics), Aria provides a focused and individualised approached to […]

Functional fertility explained

When you embark on your fertility journey, you may have seen the term ‘a holistic approach to fertility treatment’ and be unsure what it means. At Aria Fertility Clinic, we offer cutting-edge scientific solutions to infertility; our medical team is led by highly experienced fertility and gynaecology specialists and backed by the latest technology incorporated […]

The value in endometrial scratching

Currently rated as amber by the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority, the UK’s IVF regulator, the value of IVF add-on endometrial scratching has come under the spotlight in recent months. Endometrial scratching is rated amber by the HFEA because there is conflicting evidence from randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in terms of its effectiveness in improving […]


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Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm


8 Welbeck Way  London  W1G 9YL


+44 (0) 203 263 6025


Fertility Clinic London Location

Authorised by the Human Fertilisation Embryology Authority

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