Study Pinpoints When Male Fertility Drops

Male Fertility

A new study has revealed that men may not have quite as long as they think to start a family. You may think that the biological clock is something only women need to worry about. However, the findings of this latest study show that there may also be a time limit on male fertility.

So, when can you expect male fertility to start to drop? Let’s look at what the study revealed…

Male fertility starts to drop in the mid-forties

Scientists from the Genea IVF clinic in Australia carried out the latest study, reviewing over 40,000 sperm tests. It was discovered that male fertility starts to drop in the mid-forties. By the age of 55, fertility deteriorates dramatically.

After studying the sperm samples, the two likely causes are reduced sperm mobility and DNA information damage. However, there are a lot of other potential causes too. Understanding the factors that can contribute to poorer male fertility can help you take preventative measures.

Why does male fertility reduce?

There is a vast range of factors that can cause male fertility to reduce. Some of the main things to factor in include:

  • Medical issues
  • Medical and environmental history
  • Lifestyle choices
  • Age

Certain medical issues such as illnesses, chromosomal defects, and anatomical issues, can all impact male fertility. Therefore, if you are experiencing fertility problems, it’s important to check that there isn’t an underlying medical issue.

Your medical and environmental history can also play a role. This includes any medications you might be taking or surgeries you may have undergone in the past. Environmental factors that could impact fertility include overexposure to radiation, industrial chemicals, or heavy metals.

It is also known that modern lifestyles have greatly impacted male fertility. Poor sperm mobility and lower sperm counts are becoming a worrying problem for modern men. This is said to be down to a poor western diet, excessive alcohol use, smoking, and illegal drug use.

Finally, age does play a role in fertility. While they may not experience the same level of age-related fertility issues as women, men still need to be aware of their own risks.

Undergoing a fertility assessment

Due to how prevalent male-related fertility issues are, it is important to test the fertility of both partners when couples are struggling to conceive. At Aria Fertility, we carry out extensive fertility assessments to identify any issues.

A range of tests will be carried out, and the results will be discussed with you to give you a clear picture of your fertility. The male fertility assessment involves looking into your BMI, carrying out a sperm analysis, and screening for infections. Depending upon the results, you may be recommended to undergo more extensive medical tests.

Fertility problems in men are becoming more prevalent in Western society. An Israeli study in 2017 that received a great deal of media attention found that sperm counts among men in the West have more than halved in the past 40 years and were currently falling by 1.4% on average per year.

Couples who are struggling to get pregnant can undergo an extensive fertility assessment to determine the cause and identify potential treatment options. Get in touch to find out more.


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