Fertility treatment for single women.

At Aria Clinic, our team has been providing fertility support to single women for decades, through fertility assessments, egg freezing and treatments with donor sperm.

Fertility treatment for single women

Fertility treatment for single women.

At Aria Clinic, our team has been providing fertility support to single women for decades, through fertility assessments, egg freezing and treatments with donor sperm.

How can we help?

A fertility assessment can provide single women with important information about their own fertility health. Simple fertility investigations allow single women to visit the clinic for one appointment where specific tests, will help us to provide an assessment of their fertility.

The results of the fertility assessment will reveal more about your own fertility, which we will act on to provide options to you so you can decide on your next steps. The options available may be quite different for each woman depending on the results of the fertility assessment and your own current situation.

Following a discussion of your results with one of our consultants it may be that your fertility health is very good you don’t need to consider freezing your eggs. Some single women however decide to freeze their eggs and other wish to try for a baby straight away with donor sperm treatment.

The treatment planning stage.

We will discuss your personalised treatment plan and provide you with all information you need to start your treatment. Together with one of our experienced fertility nurses we will plan and provide you with a clear explanation of the treatment process.

You will be guided through information about your treatment, learn how to perform you own medication injections and complete all necessary consent forms before starting the treatment cycle.

Your treatment options.

Egg freezing

Egg freezing is the process that allows you to freeze mature eggs for use in the future. This is most effective when you are younger and less than 36 years old, as the number of eggs and the quality of these decrease with age. Egg freezing however provides the possibility of preserving your fertility so you can attempt to conceive later in life when the time is right for you to start your family.

Treatment with donor sperm

Choosing the right sperm donor can be a hard decision, a very time-consuming process but one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. The embryology and counselling team at Aria are always available to provide support and guidance that you may require, answering any difficult questions and assist you in finding a sperm donor.

Single women wishing to start a family on their own using donor sperm will be recommended either donor insemination, or IVF with donor eggs and sperm.

Donor sperm insemination (donor IUI)

Insemination with donor sperm is simple procedure which takes place at the same time as you are ovulating. Donor insemination procedures can be performed in your natural cycle or alternatively the ovaries can be stimulated with hormone medication to encourage a better response before the insemination.

IVF with donor sperm

IVF using donor sperm requires that you undergo ovarian stimulation to start the process of developing multiple eggs which will be collected and fertilised using the donor sperm. The embryos will be allowed to continue developing until the best embryo can be selected and transferred back to you.

IVF with donor eggs and sperm

IVF with donor eggs and sperm may be required for a multitude of reasons such as premature ovarian failure, increasing age or infertility due to medical treatments, e.g. chemotherapy. The process is very similar to IVF, except that the eggs are collected from an egg donor and then donated to you.

What sets us apart.

Fertility treatments can be highly stressful and additional support is required to help you when you need it the most. Counselling is always available, however you may like to speak to one of our fertility coaches or even reach out to someone going through the same thing as you.

Our highly experienced team here at Aria Fertility will listen, support and guide you to having the family you always dreamed of.

Whether you’ve been trying unsuccessfully for a while; had children before but this time it hasn’t been so easy; or you just want a chat about it with someone who can listen and understand; rest assured, you are not in this alone.

Trying to balance daily routines with your fertility treatment can be exceptionally tough. At Aria, we want your fertility journey to be as convenient as it could possibly be.

Ensuring your fertility treatment fits in with your own schedule can make the process a lot less stressful. Many of our initial appointments can be performed virtually or made available during extended hours. You can make regular contact with the team at Aria either by virtual appointment, over the telephone or alternatively by email, allowing you the opportunity to blend your treatment with daily life.

When you do need to visit Aria for an appointment we are conveniently located on Welbeck Way in Marylebone, a short walk from either Bond Street or Oxford Circus underground stations.

Your next step.

If you would like to learn more about your own fertility journey contact us to arrange a face-to-face, telephone or video-appointment with one of our consultants.

You can do this by filling in the contact form below or by giving one of our friendly team a call on +44 (0) 203 263 6025 or emailing us at admin@ariafertility.co.uk.

We really look forward to getting to know you.


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Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm


8 Welbeck Way  London  W1G 9YL


+44 (0) 203 263 6025


Fertility Clinic London Location

Authorised by the Human Fertilisation Embryology Authority

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