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Ask Aria.

Our experts answer your frequently asked questions. Book a consultation if you would like to find out more information on IVF, fertility preservation, and more.

What is ovarian reserve testing?

What is ovarian reserve testing?

Ovarian reserve testing is an important process in successful fertility treatment. Dr Anna Carby explains exactly what this is. What is ovarian reserve testing? “You will frequently see this term referred to in fertility clinics. This is…
Should I freeze my eggs?

Should I freeze my eggs?

There are many different considerations as to why you might decide to have your eggs frozen. As Dr Anna Carby explains, “you may be single or in a relationship but perhaps not sure that you want to start a family at this moment or indeed…
What is egg freezing?

What is egg freezing?

Egg freezing is a great option if you’re considering fertility preservation. At Aria Fertility clinic, we will devise a specific protocol for you, bespoke to your needs. Dr Anna Carby is one of our fertility experts, specialising in fertility…

Ask Aria.

Our experts answer your frequently asked questions. Book a consultation if you would like to find out more information on IVF, fertility preservation, and more.

What is ovarian reserve testing?

What is ovarian reserve testing?

Ovarian reserve testing is an important process in successful fertility treatment. Dr Anna Carby explains exactly what this is. What is ovarian reserve testing? “You will frequently see this term referred to in fertility clinics. This is…
Should I freeze my eggs?

Should I freeze my eggs?

There are many different considerations as to why you might decide to have your eggs frozen. As Dr Anna Carby explains, “you may be single or in a relationship but perhaps not sure that you want to start a family at this moment or indeed…
What is egg freezing?

What is egg freezing?

Egg freezing is a great option if you’re considering fertility preservation. At Aria Fertility clinic, we will devise a specific protocol for you, bespoke to your needs. Dr Anna Carby is one of our fertility experts, specialising in fertility…