The start of your fertility journey.

When you’re embarking on fertility treatment, it’s essential that all the right tests have been carried out first. This will give us the information we need to recommend the optimal treatment path to boost your chances of success.


The start of your fertility journey.

When you’re embarking on fertility treatment, it’s essential that all the right tests have been carried out first. This will give us the information we need to recommend the optimal treatment path to boost your chances of success.

Medical History & Health Check.

At your first visit, you will have a consultation with one of our medical consultants who will review your general health, medical history, including any relevant gynaecological details and discuss any previous test results, pregnancies or fertility treatment cycles. If you have a partner, then is very important that they also attend this initial visit.

During the consultation the doctor may make some recommendations regarding any further tests which are relevant based on the information you have provided about your medical history. Once we have a clear understanding of your reproductive health, we will be able to advise you on the most appropriate treatment options.

A pelvic ultrasound is a transvaginal scan to assess the reproductive health of the womb and ovaries. During this procedure we will be looking for any issue which could potentially reduce the possibility of a pregnancy occurring. This internal scan is a simple, quick and painless procedure which will provide important information to us regarding any potential issues preventing you from being able to conceive a pregnancy.

During this scan, whilst assessing the health of the ovaries, we will measure all the small, fluid-filled sacs found on the surface of the ovary, this is called an antral follicle count (AFC). When both ovaries are combined, we would expect 8-10 antral follicles – this would be an indicator of someone with a healthy fertility potential. However, with increasing age we would expect to see this number decrease and subsequently fertility decrease with it.

Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH)

We will require you to complete a blood test to measure the reproductive hormone, Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH), which is produced and released from small follicles within the ovaries.

The Anti-Mullerian hormone level provides us with a reliable indication of how many eggs remain in the ovaries. This is commonly referred to as the ‘ovarian reserve’. AMH remains consistent throughout your menstrual cycle, whereas other hormones fluctuate. For this reason, we can test your AMH level at any point during your cycle and this will provide us with indicator of your current reproductive potential.

AMH production slowly diminishes with age as the number of follicles reduce. If the level of your AMH is low, this does not mean you will not be able to conceive naturally, but rather you should not delay in trying to conceive.

AMH levels strongly correlate with the antral follicle count (AFC) and combined we will be able to provide you with a clear understanding of your own fertility.

What is Laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy is an operation performed in the pelvis or abdomen with the aid of a camera. It is usually a day case surgical procedure and requires general anaesthesia.

What is it used for?

A laparoscopy can be used to evaluate all surfaces of the pelvis for endometriosis and adhesions. If we are checking for fertility, blue dye is flushed through the fallopian tubes to be certain that the tubes are not only open, but that they contain no scar tissue (adhesions) that can damage or block the fallopian tubes. If ovarian cysts are present they can be removed at the same time. If endometriosis is present, all visible implants are identified and destroyed using electricity (bipolar current), laser, or by surgical excision.

What is a Hysteroscopy?

At the time of laparoscopy, it is common to perform a hysteroscopy. During this procedure a small telescope is inserted through the vagina and cervix so that the uterus can be completely visualised.

What is it used for?

In addition to being able to visualise the entire uterus, the opening of the fallopian tubes can be checked and the part of the uterine cavity where implantation takes place is also readily seen. Common problems in the uterus include both fibroids and polyps. Fibroids are nodules of muscles and tissue which can interfere with the ability of embryos to implant in the uterus. Polyps are fleshy pieces of tissue which protrude into the cavity of the uterus and can also affect implantation. It is usually possible to remove fibroids and polyps from the uterine cavity using hysteroscopy.

Are the procedures safe?

Injuries to the bowel, bladder, and abdominal wall and unexpected open surgery (larger incision) are always possible but are very uncommon. Any surgery can have anaesthesia related complications or be associated with post-operative infection. Fortunately, serious complications are very unusual. When laparoscopy is expertly performed on young and healthy women the risk is less than 1 in 1,000. Any specific increased risks related to your own condition will be discussed with you.

What sets us apart.

Fertility treatments can be highly stressful and additional support is required to help you when you need it the most. Counselling is always available, however you may like to speak to one of our fertility coaches or even reach out to someone going through the same thing as you.

Our highly experienced team here at Aria Fertility will listen, support and guide you to having the family you always dreamed of.

Whether you’ve been trying unsuccessfully for a while; had children before but this time it hasn’t been so easy; or you just want a chat about it with someone who can listen and understand; rest assured, you are not in this alone.

Trying to balance daily routines with your fertility treatment can be exceptionally tough. At Aria, we want your fertility journey to be as convenient as it could possibly be.

Ensuring your fertility treatment fits in with your own schedule can make the process a lot less stressful. Many of our initial appointments can be performed virtually or made available during extended hours. You can make regular contact with the team at Aria either by virtual appointment, over the telephone or alternatively by email, allowing you the opportunity to blend your treatment with daily life.

When you do need to visit Aria for an appointment we are conveniently located on Welbeck Way in Marylebone, a short walk from either Bond Street or Oxford Circus underground stations.

Your next step.

If you would like to learn more about your own fertility journey contact us to arrange a face-to-face, telephone or video-appointment with one of our consultants.

You can do this by filling in the contact form below or by giving one of our friendly team a call on +44 (0) 203 263 6025 or emailing us at

We really look forward to getting to know you.


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Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm


8 Welbeck Way  London  W1G 9YL


+44 (0) 203 263 6025

Fertility Clinic London Location

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