The embryos are transferred back into the uterus three to five days after the day of egg collection. The embryo transfer is usually a completely painless procedure similar to having a cervical smear test. Typically, in younger women with good quality embryos only one embryo, which has reach development to day 5 will be recommended for transfer back to the womb.
However, in women over 40 years old being treated with their own eggs, a maximum of 3 embryos may be transferred. The Aria team will make recommendations to each patient, individually based on the quality of the embryos and your own medical history.
When the embryos are transferred back into the body they are placed in the middle of the cavity of the uterus. This procedure usually only takes just a few minutes. The embryos do not implant (embed) in the uterus straight away. This only occurs when the embryos are 6 or 7 days old.
To make the lining of the uterus as receptive as possible to the embryos you will be given progesterone pessaries. We will ask you to commence these the day following the egg collection and taken every day until a pregnancy test is performed 10-12 days after the embryo transfer. If you are pregnant, these pessaries will be continued until 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy.